White Fir is an outstanding handsome, large evergreen with distinctive soft, blue-green needles. Its large cones mature to purple-brown, contrasting with the thick foliage. The best Fir for the Midwest, as long as it’s planted in well-drained soil.
White Fir is native to the western United States with two distinct populations. One exists in California and the other in the Rocky Mountains. Its range is restricted by wildfire, but efforts of fire suppression during the 20th century have extended its range beyond pre-settlement levels. Although it performs best in full sun, White Fir is tolerant of some shade and will colonize areas that have not experienced fire in several years. It is commonly found with Quaking Aspen and Blue Spruce and has invaded Douglas Fir when there is extensive fire suppression.
White Fir will tolerate partial shade, which is what allows it to colonize other forests; however, its best growth and form is achieved in sites with full sun. In shade, it is more open and airier, and does not provide much screening value.
White Fir is drought tolerant and prefers dry soils. In the western United States, best growth was observed in years where annual moisture was below average.
Complete information on this species can be found at the source link below:
Information Source: https://kb.jniplants.com/white-fir-abies-concolor
Plant Source: Johnson’s Nursery
Type: Evergreen
Origin: Western North America
Mature Height: 30-50 Feet
Mature Spread: 15-30 Feet